Innovation in Food over the Past years You know how everyone's Parents, Grandparents and Great-grandparents used to eat pure or what they called 'Sattwik' food. It included only fertilizer-free, pesticide-free and pollution-free food. This is the reason why their lifetime was long and they remained healthy till their last time. The difference is that the purity of the food kept decreasing generation to generation. Our Great-grandparents ate the purest food in comparison to our Grandparents and Parents. I still hear from my Grandmother how she and her siblings in her childhood used to do farming for her own food. They planted various vegetables, grains and fruits and waited for them to be harvested. The patience, the wait gave them the fruit in the form of pure food. Nowadays, the food is full of every Impurity you know or could ever imagine. Not only in the form of Jun...