Innovation in Food over the Past years
You know how everyone's Parents, Grandparents and Great-grandparents used to eat pure or what they called 'Sattwik' food. It included only fertilizer-free, pesticide-free and pollution-free food. This is the reason why their lifetime was long and they remained healthy till their last time.
The difference is that the purity of the food kept decreasing generation to generation. Our Great-grandparents ate the purest food in comparison to our Grandparents and Parents. I still hear from my Grandmother how she and her siblings in her childhood used to do farming for her own food. They planted various vegetables, grains and fruits and waited for them to be harvested. The patience, the wait gave them the fruit in the form of pure food.
Nowadays, the food is full of every Impurity you know or could ever imagine. Not only in the form of Junk food but the regular staple food also is not appropriate to be eaten. We just have to eat it for living.
The good nutrients of food have now been replaced by 'abysmal impurity' in food. The development in the food technologies if are leading to making food superior then at the same time are making it unlikely to be feasted on. The time is not far when the next gen will not be able to eat a single nutritional thing.
Innovation has led towards a new, easy lifestyle. Wheat became cakes, donuts, noodles. Sugarcane became toffees, chocolates. Oilseeds became refined oil. No one might have ever wondered that they will get to eat these much varieties from a single product. But yeah my friend, technology will show everything.
Do you think that the Innovation in food is doing all good to the Mankind? Isn't it making fellows unhealthy? Obesity, overweight, high cholesterol and fat are no good for anyone. And today, these disorders are common in everyone. If not these, then Malnutrition is also spreading its territories. The immunity of people is getting weak. They are not as strong as they should be.
I'm not saying that a little change is bad. But people suffering by this change is bad. And today we are not only going for Innovative food but we are completely ignoring our health.
But as the world will grow, development will take place, innovative things will be coming in every bit. All we need to do is get conscious about what we are going through and what will we be going through if the continuation of our negligence will be there with us. So try to eat pure food and drink pure water and stay as far as possible from "Unhealthy" Innovation in food.
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